Outline of HR Influencing Programme


This programme, enables Human Resources professionals to identify key contacts within their organization, understand their expectations and provide them with the right responses to optimize their actions embedded in the company’s overall performance.

At the end of this programme participants will hold the keys to unite, motivate and gain the support of teams and projects in which they are involved. Consequently, they will move from what is usually a reactive attitude to a proactive attitude within their company.

Practical tools will be introduced to enable HR specialists to reconcile their medium and long-term focus with the very short-term objectives of operational staff.

This pragmatic and lively training programme is full of practical examples contributed by the participants themselves.


  • Speak the language of your “key contacts”
  • Respond to objections such as “you HR people are far away from the operational side”
  • Convey a sense of purpose so that HR professionals are treated as real partners
  • Be comfortable in face-to-face and group negotiations
    (redundancy interview, contractual termination, staff representatives’


Calendar icon | Human Resources Planning (HRP) is a Human Resources consulting company specializing in Leadership Development and Talent Management.

Classroom Sessions 2024

Session 1  Session 2  Session 3  Session 4
10/10/2024 31/10/2024 21/11/2024 12/12/2024