Η Amy C. Edmondson, Καθηγήτρια της Novartis στην Ηγεσία και Διοίκηση στο Harvard Business School, μελετά την απόδοση των ομάδων στον χώρο εργασίας εδώ και καιρό. Το πιο πρόσφατο βιβλίο της έχει τίτλο “The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in...
Self-Regard refers to the way individuals perceive and value themselves. Alternative terms are “Self-Esteem” and “Self-image”. While “Self-confidence”, refers to appreciating how capable we are (“doing”),...
Ένα πρόγραμμα assisted coaching είναι αποτελεσματικό όταν o coach βοηθάει τον coach να επιδοθεί επιτυχημένα σε δύο πράγματα: την περισυλλογή (reflection) και την εξάσκηση (practice). Κάποιοι coachees μου με ρωτούν: «μπορώ εγώ να κάνω coaching στον εαυτό μου;» Η...
At HRP, we understand the pivotal role leadership behavior plays in shaping a thriving workplace climate. A positive environment leads to heightened performance, engagement, and overall well-being. Our innovative assessment, the Leadership Climate Index (LCI), has...
At HRP, we’re thrilled to spotlight the success of our tailored developmental program catering to Managers and Middle Managers across various functions within Unilever Greece. Our focus on fostering effective feedback and nurturing performance conversations...