

Outline “Resilience” is a 3rd generation training, combining behavioural elements with personal introspection and self-questioning. Instruction, questionnaires, self-observation group discussion and stretch assignments will be employed to help participants reflect on...
Sales & Negotiation

Sales & Negotiation

OutlineDuring this program you will learn how to work with your client in 4 steps: Connect, Construct, Close and Conquer. Our tools will be: Reflection, interactive exchange of good and best practice, role play and real play, feedback – in groups  in order to...

Managing Energy at Work

Outline “Negotiation is 90% psychology and 10% logic. And it is omnipresent.” If you belong to the growing group of people for whom negotiation is intrinsic to business, you will know that negotiation, to be practiced with ease, skill and comfort, first...

Empathic Negotiation

Outline “Negotiation is 90% psychology and 10% logic. And it is omnipresent.” If you belong to the growing group of people for whom negotiation is intrinsic to business, you will know that negotiation, to be practiced with ease, skill and comfort, first...

Refined Management

Outline The most challenging period of a personal development initiative is the one that follows the end of formal sessions. It is when the manager gradually tempers his enthusiasm and vision with the inner forces of inertia and habit. Even the most intriguing...